• Data Scientist • Statistician• Data Analyst

About Me

Professional Me

Data is 'The Gauntlet' that has the Infinity Stones for revolutionizing the world.

I'm Anjali.I'm a statistics graduate from LSR, Delhi University,India. Currently, I'm doing MSc in Data Science and Machine Learning from UCL, London, UK
I started my data science journey in 2018 . I was giving an interview for research intern at a travel based AI startup . I was pretty impressed by their idea and was having a conversation with the interviewers (who were actually Founder and Head of Research) on why I was applying to this internship. To my surprise , the Founder told me that he was really impressed to see my deep interest in AI despite being in second year of my undergraduate where I had n number of career options available for me. The internship made me more curious about the world of data and I decided to do what I love : become a data scientist.
Apart from my deep interest in data , I'm fond of fiction novels. Robert Langdon Series by Dan Brown , The Bancroft Strategy by Robert Ludlum and Millenium Series by Steig Larsson are my personal favorites. I love to travel. I wish to travel every country and try their local cuisine , at least once in my life. I've also tried my hands on Archery and I wish to learn shooting soon. Coding is one of my hobbies. I code to create magic . The way we can make a machine learn things from data fascinates me and drives me to work hard and know more. I'm a happy going , optimistic girl who believes :

"Life is like riding a bicycle : To keep balance , you must keep moving - Albert Eienstein"

Data Science Projects

Recommendation Engine

Hybrid Movie Recommendation Engine


This project aimed at developing a hybrid recommendation engine by using MovieLens dataset which can recommend movies based on content and collaborative filtering to the user based on his prior choice.

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Mobile Robot : MoBot

Mobile Robot : MoBot


During a group project at IIT Kanpur, along with my team, I created this obstacle avoiding mobile survellaince robot using Linear Separatrix approach. This robot uses ultrasonic distance sensor module and machine laerning algorithm to work.

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ML algos

Implementation of common ML Algorithms


This repository on GitHub contains the algorithms which I've implemented on various datasets. It includes both supervised and unsupervised algorithms.

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Data Visualization using Infographics


Are you a basketball fan? If yes, I'm sure you must've wondered who is better LeBron James or Michael Jordan. I've used exploratory data analysis and joined the data to see patterns.

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Open Source Contributions

OneStep ML

Content Enhancement for Linear Regression at OneStep ML

OneStepML is a community-led, open-sourced, e-learning platform for Machine Learning and Data Science, developed at elecTRON. I am currently working on the enhancement of their Linear Regression algorithm under Machine Learning- Easy Track.

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Data collection for Fortune 100 companies at DiversityCorp

DiversityCorp is an open source project committed to holding companies accountable. The project involved collecting data on what the company statements during black lives matter campaign versus what changes had they actually done to ensure that no such discrimination further takes place in their firms. I contributed by collecting comprehensive secondary data for 20 companies.

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Machine learning algorithms for Spanish speaking populations

This project aimed at collecting notebooks with different data science and data exploration techniques which later converted into Spanish for students. I contributed by adding well-explained algorithms for K means clustering and Decision Trees.

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Research Projects


Text Summarisation using BERT and T5 on the Wikihow Dataset

Transformer models have grown in popularity in recent years. This is primarily due to the self-attention mechanism in their architecture and the ability for parallelization. This paper proposes experiments for text summarisation using the WikiHow dataset. We use two models in a contest to outperform each other- BERT-large (extractive text summarizer) and T5-small (abstractive text summarizer).

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Time Series Analysis on Petroleum : The Fuel of Life

The project aimed to study the change in the prices over 33 years and forecast the prices for the coming years to study its implications.

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Flipkart Amazon

Comparative study between Amazon and Flipkart

The main objective of this project is to analyze the various factors that affect a consumer’s choice on Amazon or Flipkart and to perform a comparative study and find out which one of them both is leading the Indian e-commerce market and the reasons for its success.

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Dynamic Dashboards using Google Data Studio

Whenever we come across any datasets, we see thousands or even millions of rows of data that do not make any sense. But this data has a lot of hidden potentials that can be discovered by a specialist. These specialists generally use data visualization tools to analyze data and draw insights from the data. Excel, Tableau, Google Data Studio, PowerBI, Python libraries like Seaborn, Matplotlib, etc. are some commonly used tools.

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Decision Trees using Sklearn

With decision trees, AI can make well-thought decisions without any human interference. Decision trees is a supervised learning algorithm which is used to solve both regression and classification problems. It is a predictive modelling approach that gives a graphical representation of decisions and every possible outcome because of that decision.

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Master Python for Science in 30 Days

Master Python for Data Science in
30 Days

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” — Peter Sondergaard, Gartner.
Ever wondered why you see advertisements on Youtube or Facebook or Google sites related to your current searches?
Don’t you think these ads make you buy luxury products more instead of necessary ones?

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